Friday, February 29, 2008

The Curious Incident of the Escapee at Toilet Break part 2.

Seems like a hot topic now...

the media totally sucks. the escapee escaped for like what, 1 day + before the media actually started reporting about it? Singaporean media is totally weak. I see news about a writer's mum dying, but what about the situation in kosovo and stuff? where is the news that is important? why do i care about a random person on Earth dying? Come on, we all know that countless people die everyday. -.- so why do i want to know if another died?

Now, on the other hand, the curious incident of the escapee at toilet break is a joke. seriously. i wonder how did he escape from that detention centre, supposedly secured, and STILL manage to remain at large -oh he's limping too-. This is our high-quality security i guess. "we don't need to know how or why it happened." That's like comparing your results with someone. Let's say u got a1 for maths and d7 for chem. u ask that guy "hey how much was ur maths?" and when he ask "i got a1 for chem. what about you?", you'll probably say "nah you don't need to know." it's just as simple as this.
Worst thing is - he is the LEADER of the JI here.


Singapore lets JI Leader free. involuntarily.


Imagine the attention we will get. it'll probably be more than all the "lousiest / worst " awards that Lindsay Lohan had gotten. sheesh

It's goodbye to national prestige and a "hi" to "omg-s" all around the world.

Back to the micro society of school.

Steven Su feels like a nice guy whos just slightly eccentric. Much better than some teachers who call me "no brains" i guess. Wonghs said that 3.0 = go to 4p. if that is it, a CSE would be implemented in the school. 4P-1. 4P-2. 4P-3 etc...and i lol at that. School is ending for many people. and wow my holidays feel like a afternoon session school week. Sleep late. Go EP3. Come home. Do Homework. Rinse and repeat for 1 week. Not to mention Band Camp.

神を何処か? 神の存在わ無い。 

As of now....

School is psychological warface between me and that monstrous existence known as "H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K". god grief.

I hate School.

I hate reaching home after 7pm.

i am trying to handle the inflation in Singapore and globally.


Today, the subbed Spice and Wolf 9 comes out! together with Hayate no Gotoku 47. check them out. especially hayate no gotoku..or "the whimsical hurricane" ^^

Eugene blogged at 8:24 PM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

Thursday, February 28, 2008


This is just a normal depiction of my everyday life on a very tiny island called Singapore.(wanted to show a map but you probably can't find it anyways.) Anyway, please do not expect too much, or anything important at all. ^^

これわ唯俺毎日シンガポーに人生の話いです。 このブログの重要を全然無い。 期待の事を何でもありません。

With that done, let's get to the main topic of the day...

Gas Attack on Hwachongian Sec 4s in the Auditorium

At around 10.04 am this morning, a mysterious gas started emanating from the top right corner of the auditorium. What is this? poisonous gas!?!???






It is the epic adventure of someone knocking over the fire extinguisher...resulting in the ultimate pilgrimage to the H**y land of.....Kah Kee Hall.

And the day continues as my demise unfolds into a horrific 3.33 msg. straight from my 2.66 expectation. Thanks history. thanks maths. ur double AUs just sent me into the deepest abyss of hell.

Oh, and that "you have no brains" comment by our dear english teacher. i can say that back at you. ^^

meanwhile, its the curious incident of the escapee from the detention centre at toilet break..

-Acknowledgements : Mark Haddon for his original work and art.

I don't really know how this happened, but take care seriously. terrorists aren't fun and games =|

On a lighter note, this season's anime are really getting good! check out True Tears, H2O-footprints in the sand, Shigofumi, Spice and Wolf from this season. For some fan service ( alot actually), check out Rosario+Vampire.

Also, check out majin tantei nougami neuro / dragonaut:the resonance / Bamboo Blade <3 from last season, all of which are ending in around 1 months time ( i think ).

Anime ftw. Me too. =p

Eugene blogged at 7:22 PM

May your light shine...
in the darkness...

The Sun

Eugene Chua
-16 YAY(like finally. NC16 >D )
-HCI 4G'08
-HCJC C1'09 :DD
The gloom looms on the horizon,
ready to gobble our weak, fragile souls.
darkness glares from the Above
eyeing our vulnerable hearts.
"Take them, take them all", i say
There's nothing i look forward to in this bleek, fleeting life.

-November 21st - a day i wanted to spend with you alone.

~Currently Feeling~

3pic ph4il. - why am i becoming the old me, the one who runs, the one who cries, the one who can't fight his destiny?


Leave A Note, Blow the Clouds Away

The Lights that Keep the Clouds Away

Pei Xian
Zong Xian
Dah Wei
Ai Leng
Yi Ping

The Afterglow

~February 2008~
~March 2008~
~April 2008~
~May 2008~
~June 2008~
~July 2008~
~August 2008~
~September 2008~
~October 2008~
~November 2008~
~December 2008~
~January 2009~


Fonts (Dobkin)
Main Pic

Thanks to all the blogs i referred to (countless) for html code help :) (esp. cyn' and sixseven)

Adobe Photoshop Elements for supernatural abilities